We Listen.

Importance of Due Diligence in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Whether you are an experienced real estate developer or considering your first investment property, it’s important to know that there are legal implications in commercial real estate transactions that differ from residential property transactions. You’ll want to ensure you have all the pertinent information you need to help guide decision-making and potentially mitigate risks. …

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PA Contractors Being Sued by Attorney General

The Pennsylvania Attorney General has been taking a series of steps to crack down on home improvement contractors for failing to comply with the PA Home Improvement Contractors Act. In addition to general registration requirements contractors must have an appropriate contract, begin the work promptly and otherwise complete the items they start. The Attorney …

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Amendments Provide Clarity to Pennsylvania’s Contractor and Subcontractor Payment Act

Pennsylvania’s Contractor and Subcontractor Payment Act (the “Act”) became law in 1994 and outlined payment guidelines and protections for contractors and subcontractors in Pennsylvania’s private construction sector. The Act sets forth minimal payment timelines and procedures, defines what constitutes a wrongful withholding payment for completed work, and articulates any mandatory penalties (such as statutory interest, …

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Can you Protect your Claim in Bankruptcy?

Not all debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy. The key is to know which claims can be exempted from discharge and then what steps you, as a creditor, need to take to preserve your non-dischargeable claim.

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Can you Protect your Claim in Bankruptcy?

Not all debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy. The key is to know which claims can be exempted from discharge and then what steps you, as a creditor, need to take to preserve your non-dischargeable claim.

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Do You Need to Expand Your Customer Base?

If you have a product or service consider expanding your targeted customer to municipalities or institutions. Many organizations need products and services, possibly what you are selling, and their purchasing departments are looking for additional suppliers. Some use a bidding process and others have approved lists. You should start with a little research about the …

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Realty Transfer Tax and Long Term Leases Update

In October 2016, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled on Saturday Family LP v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The case focused on whether the commercial lease was subject to Pennsylvania realty transfer tax. In Pennsylvania, any lease that has a term of 30 years or more is subject to Pennsylvania’s realty transfer tax. In determining the …

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Changes to Pennsylvania Mechanic’s Lien Law Take Effect

Pennsylvania’s mechanic’s lien law is set to undergo changes for projects valued in excess of $1.5 million. The changes seek to improve notices between participants on the job, particularly notices involving subcontractors and second tier material suppliers, and to help avoid the filing of liens. Subcontractors and other second- and lower-tier contractors and material suppliers …

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Builder Beware: Commonwealth v. Cutler?

sup {vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller;padding-right:2px;} A recent matter that has captured the attention of homebuilders and homeowners alike is the decision by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office (“AG”) to enter into the realm of home defects. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. The Cutler Group, Inc. d/b/a The David Cutler Group, (“Cutler”),1 is a case recently filed by the …

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New Legislation Allows Municipalities to Appoint Alternate Members of Planning Commissions

On October 7, 2015, Governor Wolf signed into law Act 42 of 2015 which amends Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Planning Code to permit municipalities to appoint up to three residents of the municipality as alternate members of the municipality’s planning commission. More specifically, Act 42 addresses appointment of alternative members of the planning commission and assigns them …

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What are the potential impacts of a pipeline easement on your Pennsylvania Property?

Chester County, Pennsylvania currently has a least two active pipeline projects winding through it. The Columbia Pipeline Group’s Eastside Expansion Project which runs from West Vincent to West Bradford, and Sunoco Logistics Mariner East 2 Project running from northwest to southeast Chester County. Hundreds of Chester County residents have been or will be approached with …

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Amendment Clarifies PA’s Permit Extension ACT

Amendments to Pennsylvania’s Permit Extension Act have clarified provisions suspending the expiration dates of certain approvals obtained by developers and property owners. On July 10th Governor Wolf signed into law Act 31 of 2015 which amends Pennsylvania’s Permit Extension Act, 53 P.S. § 11703.1 et seq. The change of most interest to developers/property owners …. …

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Amendment Clarifies PA’s Permit Extension ACT

Amendments to Pennsylvania’s Permit Extension Act have clarified provisions suspending the expiration dates of certain approvals obtained by developers and property owners. On July 10th Governor Wolf signed into law Act 31 of 2015 which amends Pennsylvania’s Permit Extension Act, 53 P.S. § 11703.1 et seq. The change of most interest to developers/property owners and …

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What You Need To Know About The Recent Changes To The Rules of Civil Procedure Governing E-mail and Other Forms of Electronic Discovery

It was not so long ago that courts would not allow a litigant to access another litigant’s computer drives unless some sort of good cause – a likelihood of document destruction or tampering – was first shown.  The ever-increasing use of computers and e-mail forced courts to re-examine this requirement.  As a result, in 2010, …

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West Chester Student Housing Prohibition

By: Donald C. Turner The West Chester Borough Council passed a resolution on February 15, 2012 instructing its solicitor to prepare an amendment to the West Chester Zoning Ordinance that would eliminate student homes as a permitted use in the Town Center zoning district. See: http://westchester.patch.com/articles/borough-recommends-a-stop-to-new-student-housing As a result those town center …

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Long Outdated Bid Limit Laws Updated by Pennsylvania Legislature

On November 3, 2011, Act 84 of 2011 was signed into law in Pennsylvania and becomes effective on January 1, 2012. Act 84 amends certain provisions of the Second Class Township Code which require Townships to advertise and seek bids for purchases and contracts of a certain minimum dollar amount.

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The Marcellus Shale Debate: Local Zoning or State Control?

By: Andrew D.H. Rau If momentum forms behind a bill introduced in Harrisburg, the traditional understandings of local zoning control in Pennsylvania could be in for a major adjustment.  The legislation sponsored by Senator Joseph Scarnati would provide for impact fees to be paid by Marcellus Shale drillers across the state.  But a component …

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Recent Changes in Pennsylvania Powers of Attorney “POA’s”

Powers of Attorney (“POA’s”) are authorized under Pennsylvania law and are integral to many types of transactions. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s relatively recent decision in Vine v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania[1], however, has injected uncertainty into the immunity afforded when a third party acts in good faith reliance upon a POA. Section 5608(b) of …

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Possible New Horizons for Deteriorated Properties – Tougher Enforcement on Neighborhood Blight coupled with Tax Relief might work to benefit Communities throughout Pennsylvania

The Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act (the “Act”) empowers municipalities to take legal action against owners of deteriorating properties and deny municipal permits in certain circumstances. Municipalities across Pennsylvania are drafting ordinances, and in many cases, are ready to adopt ordinances in order to implement the provisions of the Act in their respective …

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Builder Insurance and Subs

A little reminder that Pennsylvania isn’t as builder friendly as some other states, at least in regards to insurance coverage. In late 2010, the Indiana courts looked at the issue of whether damage to a home caused by a subcontractor was covered under the general contractor’s standard liability insurance policy. Indiana ruled in favor of …

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Borrowers With Good Credit Scores May Face Higher Mortgage Fees

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced that they are raising risk fees that they charge to lenders. Lenders in turn typically pass those fees on to borrowers. The first time in 12 years risk fees will jump and the impact will be felt by all, even those with excellent credit. Persons with great credit (typically …

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Is the real estate market turning around?

The National Association of Realtors is reporting that December’s existing home sales rose 12.3 percent over November 2010, perhaps signifying a continuing trend toward a recovery of the real estate market. For the northeast specifically, the rise was 13.0 percent.The northeast sale numbers are still 5.4 percent below December 2009 but the median price was …

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Exactly How Confidential Is The Mediation Process?

Pennsylvania’s Mediation Statute protects from the discovery process, communications occurring during mediation, and also documents that are created during mediation.  A few limited exceptions to confidentiality are identified in the Statute, which exceptions apply in circumstances where there are: Later legal proceedings to enforce a mediation agreement Felonious threats of bodily harm or damage to …

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Who Is The Lowest Responsible Bidder?

Here is the excerpt field to use for interesting text so they click read more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla est nisl, mattis vel rutrum sed, dignissim vel mi.

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What’s in a Name?

Are you thinking about starting a business? Want to buy real estate? If you are moving forward with any business or real estate plans, you might consider starting a limited liability company (LLC). The New York Times posted a quirky story reminding us all not to take business names too seriously. What name will …

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Do You Sell Prepaid Gift Cards?

If your business offers gift certificates or prepaid gift cards you need to be aware of a new law affecting those cards. In March 2009, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 was enacted setting out certain restrictions on gift certificates, store gift cards and general-use prepaid-cards. That law requires the …

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New Hospital Visitation Rights For Non-Traditional Families

By: Litigation Department Currently there are 25 states that have Hospital visitation laws in the form of relationship recognition laws (marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships) or separate visitation statutes. Pennsylvania is the only state in the northeast that does not have hospital visitation laws that provide for automatic recognition of nontraditional relationships. That means that …

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The Business Judgment Rule: Limited Protection For Corporate Decision Makers

Previously, I blogged about the “standing” requirements that must be satisfied if a shareholder or member of a corporation or other entity, like an LLC, wants to sue its officers, director or managers for mis- or malfeasance. That blog described the requirement for court certification that a plaintiff in such a derivative action adequately represents …

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For Creditors – A Mistake Of Law Is Not A "Bona Fide Error”

The old adage, “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” has been underscored in the context of debt collection practices in a recent decision issued by the United States Supreme Court. In Jerman v. Carlisle (2010 WL 1558977 U.S.), the Court held that the “bona fide error” defense to civil liability under the Fair …

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The Fight Over Sprinklers Continues

As a follow up to my March 26, 2010 post on the new Uniform Construction Code provisions in Pennsylvania that mandate sprinkler systems in new homes, the Pennsylvania Builders Association has set up a “Roll Back the Code” website. The issue appears not to be with sprinklers themselves, but the requirement and associated cost …

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Are Charter Schools Subject To Real Estate Taxes?

In an opinion and order dated March 16, 2010, the Commonwealth Court concluded that a property leased by a Pennsylvania charter school was not eligible for an exemption from the payment of real estate taxes. In the case of In Re: Appeal of Collegium Foundation and Collegium Charter School, the court concluded that …

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Are Charter Schools Subject To Real Estate Taxes?

In an opinion and order dated March 16, 2010, the Commonwealth Court concluded that a property leased by a Pennsylvania charter school was not eligible for an exemption from the payment of real estate taxes. In the case of In Re: Appeal of Collegium Foundation and Collegium Charter School, the court concluded that …

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Investors Beware of Alternative Investments

“Selling away” is when a broker leads an investor to investments that are not offered through their brokerage house. Investing in securities outside of your brokerage account can be extremely risky, because investors will miss important investor protections that flow from the broker’s and the firm’s regulatory obligations, including the firms supervision of the brokers …

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New Lead Paint Certification Required for Renovation Contractors

Today, April 22, 2010, the final portion of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule takes effect. All contracting firms performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must now be certified, use individuals with accredited training and must …

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Real Estate “Offer” vs. Contract

With the approach of Spring and Summer comes a more active residential real estate market. The process of buying or selling a home may have become just a little more complicated due to the recent decision handed down by the Pennsylvania Superior Court in Trowbridge v. McCaigue. Buyers, sellers, and real estate agents need to …

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How to Navigate removal of a Residential Tenant that has filed Bankruptcy

By: Transactional Department No matter what the lease says, the mere filing of a bankruptcy by a tenant does not terminate the lease or entitle a landlord to evict the tenant. That being said, if a residential tenant files bankruptcy they are always required to continue paying rent. If they stop paying rent the landlord …

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New PAR Agreement of Sale Form Available

After some delay, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors has released its new 2010 form Agreement of Sale. You can find a sample of the PAR Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate on the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors website. If you have questions on the new form, please contact us in our …

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Municipalities and Developers: Take A Closer Look At Settlement Agreements

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court’s recent decision in BPG Real Estate Investors v. Newtown Township may cause developers and townships to more carefully consider whether settlement agreements are reaching too far. The ultimate result may be courts refusing to approve such settlements. In the BPG decision, the Commonwealth Court determined that a settlement agreement between …

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Sprinklers Required in PA New Homes

In early 2010, the Pennsylvania Builders Association, among others, filed a lawsuit to stop the implementation of a new and updated Uniform Construction Code in Pennsylvania. Copies of the filing are available on the Builders Association website. Among the provisions objectionable to the Builders Association was a provision requiring new single family and townhomes …

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The Rise of Wind Power – Changing Landscapes in Pennsylvania

The use of windmills as an energy source is on the rise and rapidly growing in Pennsylvania, even in residential neighborhoods. While windmill farms can be an interesting and peaceful sight from afar, the construction of a windmill in a backyard in a residential neighborhood may not be as welcoming. In the case Tink-Wing Mountain …

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Doing Business with Local Governments in Pennsylvania

Selling to and purchasing for local governments in Pennsylvania poses unique challenges because local government in Pennsylvania is very local. The Brookings Institution has calculated that Pennsylvania has 2,566 municipalities: 56 cities; 962 boroughs; 91 first class townships, and; 1,457 second class townships. This does not include Pennsylvania’s 501 school districts, …

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Will Outside Employment Affect Your PSERS Retirement Benefits?

The question of whether outside employment will impact your retirement benefits under the Public School Employees’ Retirement Code (“Retirement Code”) is one to consider carefully when reporting retirement contributions to the Public School Employees’ Retirement System (“PSERS”). Typically, teachers, administrators and other personnel employed in the Pennsylvania Public School System are eligible for membership in …

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Managing Exposure Through Carefully Crafted Arbitration Clauses

Pennsylvania businesses seeking to minimize class action exposure and generally seeking to enforce arbitration provisions should be aware of a recent decision issued by the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Clerk v. Ace Cash Express, Inc..  Historically, Pennsylvania courts have enforced arbitration provisions in contracts. Recently, the Court (applying Pennsylvania law) …

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Divorce : How Will Your Property Be Divided?

Upon the request of either party in a divorce action , a court shall divide, distribute or assign, the marital property between the parties without regard to marital misconduct in such percentages and in a manner that the court deems proper.  In dividing marital property, which is defined as property acquired during the marriage, the …

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Will You See Solar Panels in Your Neighborhood?

Will you see solar panels in your neighborhood? Maybe, or maybe not depending on whether there is a homeowners association and what the restrictions for your neighborhood say – but it may not matter for long. Pennsylvania State Representative Tom Houghton has recently indicated he intends to put forth legislation which would prohibit Homeowners …

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Mechanics Lien Law Update

Contractors, subcontractors and material providers have various legal remedies for protecting themselves against general contractors and/or property owners who fail to pay for construction services and materials. One of these remedies is the Pennsylvania Mechanics Lien Law. This law permits contractors, subcontractors and material men, under some circumstances, to place a lien on the real …

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RESPA Changes

Effective January 1, 2010 new HUD rules went into effect which require the settlement process for borrowers to be made more clear by the use of new forms. The Good Faith Estimate form and HUD-1 Settlement Statement required by the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) has been revamped. Lenders, borrowers and title companies need …

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Joint Defense Privlege

Attorneys hoping to minimize cost and increase efficiency for their clients will often engage in communications or joint defenses with co-defendants. This is often done either informally or with the use of formal joint defense agreements. Although this practice is fairly common, there has been relatively little guidance from the court on issues raised, such …

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Can you Protect your Claim in Bankruptcy?

By: Transactional Department Not all debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy. The key is to know which claims can be exempted from discharge and then what steps you, as a creditor, need to take to preserve your non-dischargeable claim. For a primer on the steps you should take, click here. For more information, please contact …

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Paying Spousal and Child Support in Tough Economic Times

In today’s economy, family lawyers are often faced with the proposition that existing marital and child support obligations are financially overburdening to the payor. If you are a payor that has had a reduction in salary, what can you do? If you fall into this category, you should contact a lawyer immediately and ask him/her …

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Is a Defective Ordinance Always Ineffective?

Is a defective ordinance always ineffective? It all depends, according to a new decision of the Commonwealth Court. In Hawk v. the Eldred Township Board of Supervisors, —A.2d—(Pa. Commw. Ct. 2009), the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court discussed Section 5571.1 of the Judicial Code as well as related changes to Section 1002-A (b) of the Municipalities Planning …

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"I Confess! I Made a Mistake"

Pennsylvania’s liberal rules concerning the amendment of pleadings aren’t so liberal in the context of complaints for confession of judgment. When filing a complaint in confession of judgment, if a mistake is made in calculating the amount of damages or the time period in which damages accrued, an attorney cannot rely upon Pa. R.C.P. …

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Business Name Registration

I often get asked by people starting up a new business venture whether they need to file for a fictitious name. In Pennsylvania, a fictitious name is the name you “do business as” or “trade as”. It is the business name you use with the public. If you are not intending to form a legal …

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Piercing the Corporate Veil

By: Donald C. Turner To view a recent blog on how to protect your personal interest in a closely-held business entity, click here. for more information, please contact our office.

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Builders Can No Longer Provide Seller Financing to New Buyers

By: Transactional Department Pennsylvania’s new Mortgage Loan Industry Licensing and Consumer Protection Law, intended to provide better government control over mortgage lending practices, was amended in August 2009. The law requires that, in almost every instance, anyone issuing a loan primarily for personal, family or household use, which is secured by a mortgage on residential …

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eBay Users Read Before You "Click"

It is not unusual when registering for something on-line to “click” a box by which you agree to accept certain terms governing the transaction. Before you “click” the box, have you actually read what it is you are agreeing to? Increasingly eBay users are surprised to learn that if a problem develops with an eBay …

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Can My Appeal Be Mediated?

Many litigants and counsel may not be aware that a process for alternate dispute resolution exists in the Superior Court during the pendency of an appeal. The Pennsylvania Superior Court has an “Appellate Mediation Program.” The Program provides a potential means for resolving disputes that is faster, more economical, and more likely to result in …

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Be Aware of Threshold Requirements for Mismanagement and Malfeasance Claims Against Managers and Directors

The economic conditions of the past two years have caused many shareholders or members of corporations and other entities to review management’s actions in a critical light. These reviews, almost inevitably, will result in claims for mismanagement or malfeasance that will lead to litigation. Both the plaintiffs and the defendants in these matters should be …

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School Employers and Teachers Should Be Cautious When Entering into Emergency Contracts

School employers, retired teachers, administrators and other personnel should use caution when entering into emergency contracts for temporary, post-retirement employment. Generally, employers may hire retired teachers, administrators and other personnel under temporary contracts when there is an emergency, or in the event of a shortage of appropriate personnel. However, the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement …

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Constitutional Right of Privacy v. Right-to-Know Law Round One – Privacy Rights Win

The Pennsylvania State Education Association and employees recently sought a preliminary injunction against the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records to prevent the disclosure of their home addresses pursuant to the Right-to-Know Law. In a recent Order and Opinion, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has determined that public school employees’ privacy interest in their home addresses outweighs …

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Be Careful Before Teeing Off

By: Theodore F. Claypoole In Zeidman v. Fisher, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania found that general negligence principles applied to a case involving an injury caused by an errant “duck hook” shot on a golf course. After teeing off on the 17th hole, Plaintiff, with the agreement of his longer driving playing partners (which …

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U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Student Search Rules in Strip Search Case

A United States Supreme Court decision issued on June 25 clarified an issue that may be of interest to school districts. The issue is: what constitutes a reasonable search of a student when a school employee has a reasonable suspicion that the student may have narcotics or other contraband on her person. The Court’s discussion …

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US Supreme Court Clarifies Student Strip Search Rules

A United States Supreme Court decision issued on June 25 clarified an issue that may be of interest to school districts. For more information about how this decision may impact your school district’s search policies and procedures or your student’s rights, read this post on our Municipal and Land Use Blog or contact …

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Bidding on a Pennsylvania State Agency Contract? What you need to know.

Are you bidding (or contemplating bidding) on state agency contracts? Do you know when a bidder on a construction contract can file a bid protest? Recent court decisions raise questions about when a bidder on a construction contract with a Pennsylvania state agency can file a bid protest. Prospective bidders who wish to challenge the …

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How to Navigate Client and Customer Bankruptcies

By: Transactional Department With the current economy, more and more people are filing bankruptcy. If you are a bank or business owner then it is likely you have had to deal with a client or customer bankruptcy at least once. If you haven’t, you probably will have to in the months to come. So what …

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My Investments are Depreciating: Do I Have a Claim?

The fact that your investment has decreased in value or that you, like millions of others, have lost money does not automatically mean that your broker or brokerage firm has engaged in actionable misconduct. Almost all investments involve risk and there is no bailout when you lose money in risk appropriate investments. However, if your …

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Managing Your Legal Experience

In these economic times we are often asked by the client how they can help their legal case along, or control the costs. Here are a couple of tips to manage your legal experience: Many lawyers send engagement/fee letters. They set out the terms of the representation–basically what you pay, when fees are due, retainers, …

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A Residential Real Estate "For Sale by Owner" caution

In this difficult real estate market selling a home without using a realtor or attorney may seem like a good idea. The money saved, however, can easily be paid out in legal fees and damages if a seller fails to comply with certain statutory duties. Did you know that in Pennsylvania, residential real estate sales …

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Builder Clients ALERT

Update on coverage for claims involving faulty workmanship under commercial general liability policies On December 30, 2008, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied the Petition for Allowance of Appeal from the Order of the Pennsylvania Superior Court in the case of Millers Capital Ins. Co. v. Gambone Bros. Dev. Co., 941 A.2d 706 (Pa. Super. 2007). …

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New FMLA Regulations effective January 16, 2009

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has published a final rule that became effective January 16, 2009, which is available at http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/finalrule.htm. This rule updates the Family and Medical Leave Act regulations. For more information about how the new regulations may effect you, please contact our office.

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New FMLA Regulations effective January 16, 2009

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has published a final rule that will become effective January 16, 2009 which is available at http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/finalrule.htm.  This rule updates the …

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New FMLA Regulations effective January 16, 2009

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has published a final rule that will become effective January 16, 2009 which is available at http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/finalrule.htm.  This rule updates the …

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New FERPA Regulations–Effective January 8, 2009

  The Department of Education has published a final rule that will become effective January 8, 2009 which is available at http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/finrule/2008-4/120908a.pdf.  This rule updates the Family Education Rights and …

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New FERPA Regulations–Effective January 8, 2009

  The Department of Education has published a final rule that will become effective January 8, 2009 which is available at http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/finrule/2008-4/120908a.pdf.  This rule updates the Family Education Rights and …

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Case Summaries

Over the next few posts we’ll be including some case summaries that may be helpful to you and your land development planning.    McGrath Construction, Inc. v. …

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Welcome to the Municipal Section’s blog.  This blog will address current laws, interesting trends and legal issues affecting municipalities, authorities, school districts, developers and property owners in and around West Chester and Chester County, Pennsylvania. Please bookmark and …

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Stephen P. Lagoy Completes Mediation Course

Stephen P. Lagoy has successfully completed “Mediating the Litigated Case”, an intensive professional skills program for mediators, at the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law. Mr. Lagoy is a member of the firm’s litigation group. He also serves as a private mediator and arbitrator and is a member of the Association …

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Unruh Turner Burke and Frees praised in Phoenixville News Column

Skip Lawrence, writer for the Phoenixville News, praised Unruh Turner Burke & Frees in his July 8, 2007 column for the firm’s on-going work as Phoenixville Borough Solicitor. Specifically, Lawrence highlighted two challenges to Borough Council decisions that were successfully defended by Unruh Turner Burke & Frees in the Chester County Court of Common …

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P.O. BOX 515
West Chester, PA 19380
(610) 692-1371
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120 Gay Street
P.O. Box 289
Phoenixville, PA 19460
(610) 933-8069