Is It Time To Get A Will or To Update Your Existing Will, Trust or Estate Planning Documents?
By: David M. Frees III JD
Has it been a few years since you last updated your will trust, or power-of- attorney?
Are you unsure that your IRA and 401k beneficiary designations still work with your will and trust?
Has an executor, guardian or trustee changed?
Need to make a change in the document?
Have you radically increased or decreased your life insurance coverage, retired or recently inherited money?
Tired of guessing how much it should cost and where to go?
We have recently developed a quick quiz to let you know if you’re ok, if it’s time to update or upgrade, or if your situation is urgent.
After you take the quiz, this article will also tell you:
What you need to do,
How much it will cost, and
How and where to get it done.
The advice ranging from using Legal Zoom, to hiring a local general practice firm, to getting the right level of legal experienc for your particular situation is spefically responsive to your ciustom score and your particular needs.
Whether you have
Children or grandchildren,
A family or other business,
Commercial real estate,
A home or vacation home
This valuable quiz and estate planning assessment tool will help you to answer your most pressing estate planning questions.
Interested? Just click here or click below:
Dave! I’m interested in getting a will or updating a will or estate planning documents and I’d like more information about my estate planning situation.
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