Know Your Nursing Home Rights: Avoiding Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing Home Long Term Care Rights: Avoiding Abuse by Douglas L. Kaune, Esquire Pennsylvania Attorney It is difficult to see a loved one enter a nursing home or elder care facility. It is heart wrenching to see them abused, neglected or their rights infringed upon once they enter the nursing home or elder care facility. …
Roth Conversion in 2010? It is Almost Time to Decide.
by Douglas L. Kaune, Esquire Pennsylvania Attorney Roth IRA’s can have significant income tax benefits for you and for generations to come. However, many wealthy individuals have been unable to take advantage of the Roth IRA because of low income ceilings set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, in January 2010, the IRS …
FAQs: My Child Is A POD Beneficiary of My Acconts and is In Financial Trouble. Are My Accounts At Risk?
If I named my child as a POD (pay on death) or FBO (for benefit of) beneficiary of a bank or stock account and that child is now in financial trouble, can I lose the accounts? The short answer is “No.” POD designations on an account do not make that account the property of …
Mom Named Me As Executor – Now Who Can Sue Me? Read This Before Starting the Executor Or Trustee Job
If you have been appointed as an executor or trustee in Pennsylvania don't act until you have read this article and invested two minuets in watching this video for you on the legal risks and how to avoid them.
Federal Estate Tax – More Action and A Possible Vote in the House
Several important new bills are pending before congress and may change your estate planning...
Chrsitmas, Hanukkah, and Holiday Activites Galore and Where and How To Find Them
Christmas, Hanukkah, and Holiday events and where and how to find them including shopping, Christmas Trees, music, films and many more holiday events.
Estate Planning For The End of The Year
By: David M. Frees III, Esquire Will, Trust and Estate Planning for the End of The Year. Want to make sure that you avoid the most common estate planning mistakes at the end of the year and that you are reviewing and doing what you need to complete to make sure that your new year …
Valuable Social Security Resources – Find Out If You Qualify For Social Security Benefits
Need more information about social security benefits, medicare benefits, prescription drug benefits? Pennsylvania estate, will, and trust attorney David M. Frees III provides links to government sites...
The Pros and Cons of Do It Yourself Estate Planning Documents – This Doesn’t Sound Good
Are do it yourself wills and estate planning safe? Do they work in Pennsylvania? These and other self help legal issues are examined...
Update your Wills: Nothing Is Certain, Except Death and Taxes
By Douglas L. Kaune, Esquire Pennsylvania Attorney Hmm, if I did not already have a will and trust, I would have run out to meet with an estate lawyer to commission a last will after I read the title words to this blog posting. Thanks to my profession, I happen to recognize the need for …