Selecting a Trustee- What Matters?
Who Do You Trust? Choosing a trustee requires an appropriate balance between kinship or friendship, expertise and technical knowledge. As a trust attorney one challenging aspect of my practice is the very personal decision by a client about choosing a trustee or trustees (and their substitutes) for his or her many types of trusts. There …
Estate Planning- Is It A Family Affair?
At some point your surviving spouse or partner or even your children will assume responsibility for investing the family’s wealth. Your children’s portfolio may be in the form of a personal trust owned by the children, or due to illness or death the entirety of the family’s invested assets. Children should be prepared to take …
Reasons Why Your Trust Should Contain a Residuary Clause
By creating a trust, you are stating your wishes as to how you would like your assets and possessions distributed. Many trusts have a series of specific gifts. However, you should be sure that your trust also contains a residuary clause to best protect the distribution of your assets. Please click here, for more …
Including a Residuary Clause Within Your Will
A residuary clause disposes of any property or assets that were not previously accounted for in the will. Please click here, to see why it is important to include a residuary clause within your will.
Are You the Executor of an Insolvent Estate? What Happens Now?
What Legal Fees and Debts Get Paid First? Pennsylvania law provides an order in which certain expenses, taxes, and claims need to be paid when an estate does not have sufficient funds. Please Click Here, to learn about the order in which these fees and debts need to be paid.
Current Pennsylvania Estate Cases- Promissory Note Forgiven
A recent Pennsylvania case involved an insolvent estate (this means that the assets of an estate are insufficient to pay its debts, taxes, and other miscellaneous expenses), there was a promissory note owed to the descendant by his son. The question arises, can a direction in the will to forgive this debt be valid since …
Will Your Estate or Trust Administration be Affected by the New Medicare Surtax in 2013?
What Does This New 2013 Surtax Mean to You? Some trusts and estates will be subject to the additional 3,8% Medicare Surtax in 2013. Please Click Here, to learn more about the Medicare Surtax and if it will affect your estate or trust administration.
What Do You Need to Know When Naming a Beneficiary?
A “beneficiary” is a person or entity that you have chosen to recieve the value of your estate, retirement plans, or insurance policies. Please click here, for more information regarding who, what, and how to choose your beneficiaries.
Determine What Court Has Authority Over an Adult Guardianship?
Determining Jurisdiction for an Incapacitated Person? Figuring out how and where to file for guardianship for an incapacitated person can be very confusing. Therefore, many states have adopted the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act to try and solve the confusion. Click here, for more information about where and how to file for guardianship. For more …
Where Is The Best Place To Store Your Will?
What Are The Smartest and Safest Places To Store A Will? There are many different locations that you can store your last will and testament. Please click here, for suggestions as to what are the smartest and safest locations for your will. For more information regarding estate planning documents please contact Unruh, Turner, Burke …